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C.G. Jung's Psychology of Religion and Synchronicity


The synchronicity concept is the single theory with the most far-reaching implications for Jung’s psychology as a whole, particularly for his psychology of religion, yet both within and outside the Jungian circle it remained the least understood of Jung’s theories.

Prior to this work, no comprehensive study of the synchronicity theory in relationship to the individuation process had been undertaken and, as a consequence, the great import of this theory for Jung’s psychology of religion was overlooked. The purpose of this work, therefore, was to examine the synchronicity theory in relationship to the psychological and indeed spiritual journey Jung has termed the individuation process so as to reveal the specific import of this seminal concept for Jung’s psychology of religion. The unique contribution of this work is essentially threefold.

First, it provides a theoretical framework for the study of synchronistic phenomena—a framework that enables us to view these phenomena in relation to Jung’s model of the psyche and his concept of psychic compensation.

Second, this book explores the significant role that these events played in Jung’s life and work.

And third, by way of careful examination of the synchronicity theory in relation to the process Jung terms individuation, an examination in which considerable case material is presented, the specific import of this seminal concept for Jung’s psychology of religion is disclosed.


State University of New York Press, 1990, 269pp.

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