Dr. Aziz Attending The Synchro Summit at Yale University
by robert aziz
This summer I received an invitation to be a key participant in the upcoming Synchro Summit at Yale University. The October 2010 Synchro Summit at Yale is a most interesting and important initiative so it was with gratitude that I have accepted this invitation.
I think it is of great significance this event is being held at Yale University in light of the fact that Jung's most important lecture on the psychological/spiritual implications of Analytical Psychology was delivered at that university in the form of the 1937 Terry Lectures. These lectures are especially of interest to me because they disclose the irreconcilable theoretical tension between the arguably intended direction of Jung's psychological/spiritual model and the restrictive assumptions of what I have referred to as Jung's intrapsychic model—a model which going forward from 1937 was destined to remain the core theoretical model for Jung and Jungians in spite of Jung's important synchronicity findings and his bold and creative initiatives to theorize about those findings.
Through my work on the synchronicity concept, which now spans over 30 years, I have been carried to new theoretical ground beyond the existing Freudian and Jungian models. It is of course in The Syndetic Paradigm: The Untrodden Path Beyond Freud and Jung (2007) where I specifically outline these developments. Theoretical progressions of this sort must necessarily occur if we are truly to further and indeed honour the great initiatives of individuals like Freud and Jung. It is in this same spirit that the Synchro Summit at Yale has come into being.
Forming the core of the Synchro Summit at Yale will be a series of roundtable discussions over a period of three days involving a relatively small, international group of subject experts from scholarly, clinical and experimental research backgrounds. Given this, I find it more than curious that I felt compelled to use the following image in my 2008 Foreword to Dr. Lance Storm's Synchronicity: Multiple Perspectives on Meaningful Coincidence, a compilation of research papers from the foremost experts on synchronicity:
"Moving through the material and chapters of this work, one will have the feeling of being an attendee at an international conference on synchronicity, perhaps the first international conference on synchronicity. A circle has been drawn and a roundtable discussion has been convened."
A roundtable discussion has indeed been convened. Click here to view the confirmed participants for the 2010 Synchro Summit at Yale